Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Currently November

Linking up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade's Novemeber Currently. Check it out to link up too!

Listening to election coverage needs to stop. The media hoopla is too much at this point. I should watch more of The Walking Dead. WAY more enjoyable.

I'm sure all of you agree that we need more hours in the day. Or eliminate the biological need for sleep. Either/or.

Happy November!


  1. Definitely more hours in the day!! More sunshine too! We got a bit today and it did my soul good!!

    A Grade One Nut and Her Squirrelly Crew

  2. More hours in the day would be nice but I think those hours should be reserved for "fun" stuff. Lord knows we never do fun stuff because all our hours are taken up with school/work stuff!!
    Kickin' It With Class

  3. @Heather I agree! It's always a struggle to make sure we take time for ourselves. Thats what Christmas Break is for?

  4. I love the Walking Dead too! I'm addicted. But that last episode was almost too much to stomach! And on that note... it's almost Sunday!
    Amber @ The Teacher Life

  5. Amber! I was dying last Sunday. Can't wait for tonight. It's such a nice treat after prepping all Sunday :)

  6. I just nomimated you for the liebster blog award! Head over to my blog to check out the details!

