Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Guided Reading Binder Freebie

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today I was planning my word work for the next couple weeks and I realized how much my word work instruction has changed from when I first started teaching. When I began I was so overwhelmed that I spent a lot of time working from a (mediocre) basal reading program. Since I've shifted to word study and guided reading, my students have progressed much faster and I am a happier teacher!

During my guided reading groups I take notes about what I notice with my students. Is there a particular skill they are lacking? Is there a tricky vowel or diphthong that is troubling? What about comprehension strategies? I use these notes to guide my centers and instruction for the next week. I find it a very effective way of targeting the needs of my students. My students were a little weirded out when they saw me taking notes at first, but now they're totally used to it.
My reading binder
I have a section for the date, group members, title of the book, reading level, notes, and possible book/mini-lesson target (I use that if the book highlights a particular phonics target or comprehension strategy).
If you want to use it too, click the link below to download the PDF off of google docs. Print it out, duplicate, hole punch, and viola! We'll have matching guided reading binders :)

Does anyone else have some guided reading strategies they would like to share?


  1. I found you on Teaching Blog Traffic School and I am your newest follower here and on Facebook!!

    My Journey to 5th Grade

  2. Hi Katie! I just found you on TBTS! Very Cute blog! Fabulous Guided Reading Binder. Thanks for sharing. :0) Cara

    Kindergarten Boom Boom

  3. P.S. I am your 30th follower!!!
