Sunday, January 27, 2013

Meaningful Art: Stained Glass Art Project

So a couple months ago I saw a great post on Yvonne Dixon's blog Sassy in Second about Christmas Wreath Stained Glass. I loved the idea, but December was so jam packed that I could not find the time to fit in. I kept it in the back of my mind and we did a modified version last week.

First, I cut circles out in colored cardstock, cut out the the middle, and laminated them to created the "glass" surface.

Next, I photocopied a white piece of paper with circles for the students to create the own designs.

I showed students examples of stained glass, but geometric patterns as well as landscapes and still-lives. I did a google image search, it was pretty easy. (I would post examples, but I don't own the rights). I showed students an example of my own work as well so they could get ideas for their own work.

Next, student made their own design on the white paper.

When they finished, I gave them their "glass". They used a black permanent marker to trace the pattern of the glass (must be permanent so the color doesn't smear).

For the last step students colored in their stained glass creations. They turned out really beautiful!

P.S. If you want to find some cheaper permanent markers in bulk, I found some on discount school supply. They are perfect for this kind of art project.


  1. Those are super cool! It would be really neat to try this after my geometry unit with symmetry and shapes. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Ooo, that's a great idea! Let me know how it goes!
