Monday, January 28, 2013


Recently I hooked up with a second grade teacher at a school across town to develop a penpal program. I wasn't sure how it was going to go, particularly since my students have been really struggling with letter writing, but they have been LOVING it! When they got their first letter I gave them almost a half an hour to read them, share them with others, and generally be excited. I am so glad I did. They were so hyped up about the letters there is no way they would have been productive.

The next day the students responded to their penpals. I've never heard my classroom so quiet. They wrote pages upon pages to their penpals, which blew me away. (Getting many of my students to extend their writing in like pulling teeth). One of my students even wrote, "You are the greatest penpal ever. I think we can be best friends, don't you?" So adorable.

If any teachers out there are struggling with letter writing, I highly recommend a penpal program. If you can't do it with another second grade teacher in a different school, maybe talk to an upper-grade teacher about it. I can't rave any more about the motivation I saw with my students.

Look at how focused they are!

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